Oppose PYLUSD's CRT Ban!
We know that the April 5th, 2022 vote to pass the Resolution Concerning District Teaching of CRT as a Framework for Matters Relating to Race was a huge disappointment. The comments made by two of our board members in support of the ban were misinformed, insulting, and malicious. Anderson, Blades, and Youngblood ignored over 1,500 students and 600 adult stakeholders who signed petitions against the ban, not to mention the hundreds of people from whom they received emails and who spoke during six months of public comment on this issue. Finally, at no point did they consult with an actual expert on the topic.

Consider thanking Carrie Buck and Karin Freeman for standing tall and speaking truth to the majority on the board:

However, we stand tall and proud. Our truly grassroots group has grown and expanded throughout the past six months. We have collectively taken on education, public speaking, the writing of letters, and the building of coalitions in support of truth in education for our students and staff. We have raised awareness where there was very little and thanks to our collective efforts news of what is happening here in PYLUSD has reached the national sphere.
Yes, we are devastated by the explicit racism, ignorance, and anti-teacher sentiment of three of our board members and their supporters. However, we implore this group to continue to raise awareness, to stand for right, and to fight for the interests of all our students!

Live Stream: https://www.pylusd.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=202692&type=d&pREC_ID=2266882
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