2021-2022 Volunteering Committee Application
If you're reading this, then you're applying to be a part of the best committee USF HOSA has to offer! Hello everyone, my name is Tanay Sorathia and I am the Volunteering Committee Captain for the 2021-2022 year! I'm looking for three hardworking HOSA members to be a part of the volunteering committee this academic year, and to me, as long as you have a heart for volunteering, it does not matter if it’s your first day in HOSA or if you've spent years in it!

As a Volunteering Committee member you will be participating in some of the volunteering events that we have to offer this year, as well as helping me book new volunteering dates for the school year. We tend to meet many different people in this committee, so good communication skills are a plus.
In addition, you will be expected to attend a few committee meetings throughout the semester (most likely through Microsoft teams) to ensure that we are offering the best volunteering opportunities.

As part of the committee, one of our jobs is to promote our club at Bull Market. Bull Market is an event that occurs weekly, every Wednesday, from 9 am to 1 pm in front of the Marshall Student Center, where all the clubs at USF get together to promote themselves to students that pass by. For some people, it will be the first time they have ever heard of HOSA, so what we say and how we present ourselves here is extremely important! If the Fall and Spring semester continue as planned, then you will also be participating in Bull Market every Wednesday with me.

For this year, we will be holding our volunteering opportunities and socials fully in-person for the time being. With that being said, it will be expected we follow health and safety guidelines for any activity, including wearing masks at all times.

If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to reach out: tsorathia@usf.edu.
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Name: *
U# *
USF E-mail: *
Anticipated Graduation Semester/Year (ex. Fall 2021): *
What is your major (and minor(s) if applicable)? *
What made you interested in joining HOSA? *
How much time can you devote to the committee? *
What obligations, other than HOSA, do you have this semester (if any)? *
Why do you want to be a part of the volunteering committee? *
An expectation as a committee member is to help organize volunteering events for students to take part in. What type of volunteering events do you have in mind for HOSA? *
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