Aquasphere '24 Sign-up
Welcome potential Aquaspheronians!
This information will be private to the group organisers to assist us in contacting you and provide a little extra information to support your application. You can fill it in either before or after attending the Open Practice. 
We look forward to meeting you :-)
Hello :-) What's your name? *
What is your email address? (this will be kept confidential)  *
What attracts you to AquaSphere and what skills do you have/want that might be helpful to the process or performance of our aqueous cabaret show..?  
Have you done any BFS festival before (beltane or samhuinn)? If yes, please briefly describe your previous experience..
You will need to attend at least one of our open practices. These will be...
Sunday 24th Feb, 3-5pm, Holyrood Rangers Station.
Or Monday 25th Feb, 6-8pm, Montgomery St Park.

If you can't make either of these dates but are still keen to get involved please send us a message and it's possible we can arrange an interview outwith these times..

Which practice do you intend to come to..?
Șterge selecția
Can you commit to attend Sunday practices barring illness or injury (or other unavoidable life issues)? Plus accept the requirement to do some elements of costuming and preparation in your own time, with the intensity of these activities increasing as the end of April approaches? (your costuming and performance choices can be as simple or complex as your skills and time allow)

If you have preexisting commitments that you know of which mean you might mean missing some practices please give details... this is not a deal-breaker tho some key dates are essential including at least one walkthrough (April 6th and 20th)
Do you have any special needs/dietary requirements/requests/questions/issues that we should be aware of? (we will do our best to cater for any and all diversities!) 
Have you/will you try out for any other groups and do you have preference of which you hope to get?
Please give your phone number if you wish to be informed about selections by phone or text (please state if call or text preferred -if no phone number we will email) 
Do you like dogs/have a dog..? (Stacey has a dog who will ideally attend Sunday practices tho other arrangements can be made if needed)
Șterge selecția
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