Influencer Application Form
Adresse e-mail *
Your Name *
Date of Birth *
Country of Residence *
Percentage of Female Followers *
Which Social Media do you have the most followers? *
what is your exact follower count for Instagram? *
what is your exact follower count for Facebook? *
what is your exact subscriber count for Youtube? *
what is your exact subscriber count for Tiktok? *
Do you have a blog? If yes, do you collect email list and please write the visitor count or sessions per day and month. *
Do you have a Facebook Business Manager? *
Are you able to commit to creating content within a week of receipt of products? *
Please provide your IG, FB, Youtube, Tiktok, Blog links. *
Are you willing to create content and do promotional activities on your social accounts in exchange for product gifting? *
Do you require monetary payment?  If yes, please tell us your rate. *
If selected as Influencer partner, please indicate if you agree that you give Newport & Co permission to all content rights for ALL Online, Social Media and Offline marketing communication and collaterals usage purposes. *
How did you hear about us? *
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