Volunteer on Gillian's Campaign 
The Provincial election is getting close and we need all hands on deck! If you're available to lend a hand to support Gillian, there's a place for you on our team! 

We know that life is hectic and it's hard to find spare time to do the things we NEED to do, let alone the things we WANT to do. There are volunteer opportunities suited to all lifestyles and schedules - in person/at home, independent/in a team, one time/a weekly schedule. 
Preferred name:
Phone number:
Preferred method of communicating:
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Are you interested in volunteering in pre-election period, election period, or both? 
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What type of volunteer opportunities are you interested? (select all)
How often are you able to volunteer? (Please list more info below)
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Do you have any specific skills or talents that you're able to use to support Gillian and the Kings North NDP during the campaign? 
Are there things we can do to support you during your time volunteering? (Accommodations, training in working in a campaign, child care support, need to work from home, allergies, etc)
Anything else we should know?
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