Leader as Coach Development Program (LCDP) Interest Form for Organizations
Program objectives:
* Discover the course of LEADING and MANAGING in your managers or team leaders.
* Bring change into organizations by understanding the PSYCHOLOGY of PEOPLE.
* Enable your managers or team leaders to INTEGRATE their LEADERSHIP ROLE in the organization, career, and life.
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Please fill up your details and we will be in touch
Full name (PIC) *
As per NRIC; PIC of organizing employee training
Email address *
Mobile number *
Company name *
Position in the company *
Is your company registered with HRD corp (PSMB)? *
What are the challenges with your team? *
Interested program *
What do you want to achieve from this program? *
How many people does your organization intend to send for the program? *
Recommended participants who benefit the most: Senior Managers, Head of Departments, Managers, Team Leaders, or potential leaders in the team
How would you like to have the program? *
What is the preferred language for the program? *
Reviews from Past Participants
Thank You for Your Interest!
Brought to you by:

The Spark Group Asia
C-10-3A, Sunway Nexis Offices, 1 Jalan PJU 5/1, Kota Damansara 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.  

011-6329 0812 | hello@thesparkgroup.asia

WhatsApp: https://wasap.my/601163290812
(Save this number as your contact so you don't miss out any important announcement)
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