Application for participating in Astar zkEVM mainnet launch campaign
Please answer the following questions to understand the scope of your project. Astar team will get back to you. Note: Application does not guarantee your participation to the campaign. We will assess your project thoroughly before getting back to you.
この度はAstar NetworkのzkEVMローンチキャンペーンについてご関心をお寄せいただきありがとうございます。貴プロジェクトについて伺いたく、以下の質問にお答えください(英語)。なお、こちらのフォーム申請はキャンペーンへの参加を確約するものではございません。貴プロジェクトの活動内容を精査させていただいたのち、キャンペーン参加への可否をご報告させていただきます。
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Email *
Name of your project *
Link to your website / social media *
Description of your project *
What kind of NFTs will you prepare? Will it be an image, an audio, etc.? *
Who is the artist/creator behind the NFT?
Astar can both accept individual NFTs (ERC 721) or several "types" of NFTs that are minted by batch (ERC 1155). Which token standard are you considering to use? *
Will you add some kind of utility to the NFT? If so, what kind of? *
Your marketing contribution will be essential for the success of the campaign. What are some marketing / promotional contributions you can make? *
You have the option to either do a free mint or charge users. We recommend to keep the price cheap and affordable to reach a wider audience. What price per NFT are you thinking of (in USD)? *
Feel free to share any questions you have.
Feel free to share your calendly, so that we can get back to you and schedule a meeting right away.
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