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NLP 2020 class registration - prof. Roberto Navigli
Class hours are: Tuesday 14-16 and Thursday 14-17, Aula 2 - Aule L ingegneria, via del Castro Laurenziano
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* Indicates required question
First name
Your answer
Last name
Your answer
Sapienza email (must end by
You will receive the first communication here.
Your answer
Preferred email for later communications
Your answer
Can you program in Python?
Very well or Python guru / attended a course on programming in Python
Relatively well, but not 100% confident
Just some notion...
Not at all
How much do you know about Machine Learning?
Very well or guru / attended a course on Machine Learning
Relatively well, but not 100% confident (e.g. attended a ML class, but don't remember everything)
Just some notion...
Not at all
How much do you know about Neural Networks and Deep Learning?
Very well or guru / attended a course on Deep Learning
Relatively well, but not 100% confident (e.g. attended a ML class, but don't remember everything)
Just some notion...
Not at all
How much do you know about probability?
Very well or guru / attended a course on Probability
Relatively well, but not 100% confident (e.g. attended a probability class, but don't remember everything)
Just some notion...
Not at all
Facebook user name
(will be used for student/teacher communication during the class - if you don't fancy facebook you can create a fake facebook account)
Your answer
What Master degree are pursuing?
Informatica / Computer science
Ingegneria informatica / Computer science engineering
AI & Robotics
Data science
Which natural languages do you know?
Please list the language in which you are proficient, including your native language
Your answer
Any comment/expectation/request? Please leave it here
Your answer
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