NLP 2020 class registration - prof. Roberto Navigli
Class hours are: Tuesday 14-16 and Thursday 14-17, Aula 2 - Aule L ingegneria, via del Castro Laurenziano
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First name *
Last name *
Sapienza email (must end by *
You will receive the first communication here.
Preferred email for later communications *
Can you program in Python? *
How much do you know about Machine Learning? *
How much do you know about Neural Networks and Deep Learning? *
How much do you know about probability? *
Facebook user name *
(will be used for student/teacher communication during the class - if you don't fancy facebook you can create a fake facebook account)
What Master degree are pursuing? *
Which natural languages do you know? *
Please list the language in which you are proficient, including your native language
Any comment/expectation/request? Please leave it here
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