Facebook 活動專頁:
【騷動大愛:織夢如詩派對 Access Breach - Party Introduction Session】
https://www.facebook.com/events/179555200363980/【騷動大愛:織夢如詩派對-參加者招募 Open Call for Participants - Access Breach】
(Please scroll down for English )
【CHAT六廠與Eaton HK呈獻
我們現正尋找酷兒、不同能力與背景的寶貝們,於2021年7月2日晚上7時起在香港逸東酒店參與一場由CHAT六廠(六廠紡織文化藝術館)與Eaton HK共同策劃、藝術總監崔泰潤構思、製作人Suhyun Choi(TBC),著名非二元服飾設計團體——再生服裝(Rebirth Garments)及一眾友好合作打造的一場獨一無二的時裝表演及慶祝派對。
我們將邀請參加者於簡介會後參與挑選程序,再生服裝將為本地參加者量身訂造服裝。參加者將與再生服裝及CHAT六廠的紡織項目團隊會面;團隊將因應你的個人喜好與情況設計,而你將穿上為你度身訂做的服裝參加時裝派對。你可參考再生服裝過去的時裝表演。即使你未被獲邀參與挑選程序,你亦歡迎參與派對與我們一起慶祝! 💕派對所慶祝的是你和我,為我們將一同創造能夠成就你我夢想的未來而乾杯!🌈🔮
參加者將獲得由再生服裝親手度身設計的服裝,其製作過程將以攝影記錄並於Eaton HK的展覽場地Tomorrow Maybe展出。
CHAT六廠與Eaton HK呈獻
時間:早上11時至下午12時30 分
地點: Kino (香港九龍彌敦道 380 號逸東酒店)
【CHAT and Eaton HK Present
Access Breach: Interweaving Poetic Futures & Intersectional Dreams】
On 2 July, we celebrate queer kin, crip cuties, babes of all shades!
We’re looking for queer kin, crip cuties, and babes of all shades, for a fashion and pride multi-collaboration party jamboree co-organised by CHAT (Centre for Heritage, Arts and Textile) and Eaton HK. Conceived by Artist Director Taeyoon Choi, producer Suhyun Choi, featuring Rebirth Garments and supported by friends, this party jamboree will be held at Eaton HK on 2 July, 2021 from 7:00pm until late.
This event is intended to uplift those underrepresented in size, ability, gender and colour in fashion. It is in this spirit that we call on you to join this unique event. If you identify as any or a combination of the following: queer, disabled (including but not limited to physical, emotional, mental, intellectual, developmental or psychological, whether it is apparent or not), low-income, trans, non-binary, intersex etc., and are interested in taking part in this celebration of self-love and togetherness, please RSVP to join our Introduction Session in-person or live-streamed online , and fill out this form to join as models at our celebration! 💕
We are looking for people of all sizes and ages and we are especially excited if you are involved in any type of disability or queer activism! We are looking for people who are interested or invested in radical visibility, are unapologetically themselves, or want to celebrate their beauty but were never given a chance.
No performance or modelling experience needed!
We are inviting participants to take part in a casting after the Introduction Session. The selected participants will meet with Rebirth Garments to design a tailor-made garment of their own. This involves multiple fittings with Rebirth Garments and the CHAT Textile Programmes team where you will engage in a design process centred around YOUR desires and needs. Finally, we would like to invite these participants to model for our fashion celebration. Check out a past Rebirth Garments show for your reference. Even if you aren’t chosen for the casting, you are welcome to take part in the celebration, so that we may celebrate our beauty together. 💕 This event is to celebrate you, to celebrate us, to tailor to your needs and desires to dream and embody our queer futurity together. 🌈🔮
The models will be gifted the tailor-made garment handmade by Rebirth Garments after the event. Professional portraits and documentation of the production process will be presented in an exhibition at the Eaton HK gallery Tomorrow Maybe.
Join the Introduction Session and check out
http://taeyoonchoi.com/workshop/ and
http://rebirthgarments.com/ for more information!
CHAT and Eaton HK Present
Access Breach: Interweaving Poetic Futures & Intersectional Dreams
【Introduction Session】
Date: 6 March 2021 Saturday
Time: 11:00am-12:30pm
Venue: Kino 1/F Eaton House, 380 Nathan Road, Jordan, Hong Kong
Language: Cantonese and English
CHAT and Eaton HK Present
【Access Breach: Interweaving Poetic Futures & Intersectional Dreams】
Party at Maggie, 2/F Eaton HK
Date: 2 July 2021
Application deadline as party models: 25 March 2021, 11:59pm