Alumni Feedback Form
Session 2022-23
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Name of Alumni *
Year of joining in the college  
Course studied in  this college 
Current address 
Email id 
Contact no. 
Present status  *
Present working place 
Year of completion of Course    
Dear Alumni,

Please give your overall opinion about the college.

Environment of the college

Faculty of the college
Quality of support material in teaching and learning

Encourage extra co-curricular activities


Infrastructure & Lab facilities




College has always inspired you to be a better citizen

Is the education imparted was useful and relevant in your present job?

How do you rate your own departmental activities?


Overall rating of the college?


Are you currently employed if yes- Inform

1.Nature of employment    

2.Year of joining


4.Basic Pay


Have you passed any competition exam such as NET,GATE,MAT,SLET,IELTS, Civil Service, Banking, StateGovt. examsand  if any other.(give detail with date)


Have you joined any of the following course after completing your studies from

Dasmesh girls college (if yes Give detail) and P.G,M.phil,PH.D any other.


Highlight the point that makes you feel proud to be an Alumni of Dasmesh Girls College Mukerian..

Any Suggestions *
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