国際講演会 子宮頸がん検診 3月26日(土)Webinar Increasing Coverage of Cervical Screening in Japan                                                          March 26th 2022: 18:00-20:00 JST
    Thank you for your interest in registering for the "Increasing Coverage of Cervical Screening in Japan" to be held on Saturday, March 26, 2022. Please fill out the following information and submit. You will then receive an address to register for ZOOM. Please click here and be sure to register for ZOOM as well.
Ak chcete uložiť svoj postup, Prihlásiť sa do Googlu. Ďalšie informácie
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1.お名前 Name(当日は申し込みされたお名前でログインをお願いします) *
2.ご所属 Affiliation *
3.どのような立場でのご参加ですか。In what capacity are you participating? *
4.3.でその他を選択された方は、詳細をご記入ください。If you selected "other" in 3. above, please provide details.
5.予めお聞きになりたいことやご質問がありましたらご記入ください。Please indicate any questions you would like to ask in advance.
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