2020-2021 Beach Haven PTA Membership Form
To become an official member of the Beach Haven PTA, complete this form. Becoming a PTA member does not mean you are volunteering for anything, it means you support the PTA and it’s activities – although we are in need of volunteers and welcome any help!

Dues are $5 per adult or $10 per family. After completing this form, please pay dues via Venmo (@BeachHaven-Pta) and indicate "member" in the notes.
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
Full Name and Grade of child that attends Beach Haven School. (If more than one, please list here.) If you are a teacher with no students in the school, please type "n/a". *
Your Name *
Your Email Address *
Your Cell Phone *
Are you interested in being a room parent? If so, please indicate which grade.
If you have additional parents/guardians/grandparents that you would like to receive PTA text reminders or emails, please list their full name with email and cell phone #
Do you give the PTA permission to use your photo on the PTA website, social media and/or press? *
Do you give the PTA permission to use your child(ren)’s photo(s) on the PTA website, social media and/or press? *
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