YFP Gives 2025 Scholarship Recommendation Form

Scholarship Overview

The YFP Gives Scholarship is intended to help reduce the financial burden associated with obtaining the Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) degree. Eligible recipients include student pharmacists and new practitioners (defined as those within 5 years of graduation). Recipients will be awarded a $1,000 scholarship, 1-year access to the YFP+ online learning community, a copy of Seven Figure Pharmacist, and a 30-minute 'ask me anything' with one of YFP's Co-Founders, Tim Ulbrich, PharmD or Tim Baker, CFP®, RICP®, RLP®. 

Recommendation Form Instructions

Please complete the recommendation form below no later than April 30, 2025. If you have any questions about the application form or scholarship process, please send an email to info@yfpgives.org

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Email *
Your Name (First and Last) *
Applicant Name (First and Last) *
How long have you known the scholarship applicant for? *
What is your relationship to the applicant? *
Please rate the applicant for each of the following characteristics using the scale below:
  • Excellent = the applicant performs above average to their peers
  • Satisfactory = the applicant performs average to their peers
  • Poor = the applicant performs below average to their peers
  • N/A = not applicable or not observed
Leadership/mentoring skills *
Oral communication skills *
Written communication skills *
Ability to work with others *
Ability to organize and manage time *
Problem solving skills *
Dependability *
Independence and resourcefulness *
Willingness to accept constructive criticism *
Emotional stability and maturity *
Professionalism *
Comment on 1-2 areas of strength for this applicant  *
Comment on 1-2 areas for improvement for this applicant  *
Please use this space to address any other characteristics or observances of the applicant not evaluated or mentioned previously
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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