Building Use Form
This form is for requesting building use at First Presbyterian Church in Las Cruces NM (200 E Boutz Rd).  After completing this form, please anticipate a call and/or email from the church office for a final price and confirmation.

Call 575-526-5559 with any questions.
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Indemnity Regarding Use of Premises:
Lesser agrees to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend First Presbyterian Church of Las Cruces and/or any Agent acting on its behalf from and against any and all losses, claims, liabilities, and expenses, including reasonable attorney fee, if any, which First Presbyterian Church may suer of incur in connection with Lessee’s use of the Premises.
Map of Building:
Rules for Use:
  • Buildings/rooms may not be used for any for-profit activities.
  • Alcohol and tobacco in any form shall not be served or consumed anywhere within the
    boundaries of the Church’s property.
  • No food or drinks allowed in the Sanctuary.
  • A free will offering can be accepted, but there will be no charging a fee at the doors.
  • We do not rent out the kitchen or lend use of the dishwasher.
  • Recordings of weddings, memorials, and other services are available as approved by the pastor
Instructions for Completing this Form:
1. Identify your use (wedding, funeral, other reception/gathering request, etc.) and determine which buildings you are requesting. 
2. Fill out this form to the best of your ability (call the church office or come by if you would like help / would like to see the buildings you want to rent).
3. Our church office will confirm availability, correspond with the administration committee for approval and the building and grounds committee to determine custodial fees. Then, the office will make contact with you to complete your reservation.
4. We will arrange for the building to either be open when requested or will arrange for you to get a copy of that building's keys. 
Wedding Fee Schedule:
Wedding Fee Schedule for Congregational Member:
  • Pastoral Counseling & Honorarium: $0
  • Sanctuary Use (3 hr min.): $0
  • Custodial fee: $100
  • Organist: $150
  • Vocal Soloist: $100
Wedding Fee Schedule for Non-Member:
  • Pastoral Counseling & Honorarium: $200
  • Sanctuary Use (3 hr min.): $400 ($50 every additional hr.)
  • Custodial fee: $100
  • Organist: $175
  • Vocal Soloist: $100
Funeral/Memorial Fee Schedule:
Funeral/Memorial Fee Schedule for Congregational Member:
  • Pastoral Counseling: $0
  • Sanctuary Use (2 hr.): $0
  • Custodial Fee: $100
  • Organist: $150
  • Vocal Soloist: $100
Funeral/Memorial Fee Schedule for Non-Member:
  • Pastoral Counseling: $200
  • Sanctuary Use (2 hr.): $200 ($50 every additional hr.)
  • Custodial Fee: $100
  • Organist: $175
  • Vocal Soloist: $100
Reception/Gathering Fee Schedule:
Reception/Gathering Fee Schedule for Congregational Member:
  • Hall Use (Watkins or Jones): $0
  • Custodial Fee: $100
Reception/Gathering Fee Schedule for Non-Member:
  • Hall Use (Watkins or Jones): $200 (3 hr.)
  • Custodial Fee: $100
Note: Renting a hall includes use of chairs and tables only. Renter is to supply their own table linens, dishes, glasses, cutlery, pots, pans, serving utensils, coffee urns, etc. 
Name: *
Phone Number: *
Day of Event: *
Type of Event: *
Building/Room Requested: *
If requesting Watkins Hall, which room do you intend to use?
Clear selection
Hours the building will be needed (allow for decorating etc.) *
Actual Hours of the Event: *
Following Completion of this form...
An authorized team member will contact you with a final fee total and will confirm your reservation of the room/building at that time. 
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