香港建築中心 X「香港夜繽紛」— 是。夜。灣仔 —是夜遛專題導賞 HKAC X Night Vibes Hong Kong: Wan Chai Nocturnal "Flaneur at Dusk" Themed Walking Tours (2023年10月13-15日)
Dear Friends,

Thank you for your interest for the captioned event. However, we regret to inform you that we are no longer accepting any further registrations at this time.

In the meantime, we would like to invite you to join the "See-er at Dusk" Movie Screening cum dialogues with guests, which will be taking place at the same venue, Wan Chai HarbourChill, at the same time.

To register for this alternative event, please click on the following link:

We appreciate your interest in the event and apologize for any inconvenience caused. Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at 2805 7146 or email to

Thank you for your understanding.

Best regards,
Hong Kong Architecture Centre
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