WesternU COMP SOMA - Virtual ShaDO Day 2020
If you are interested in joining our virtual Q&A please fill out this form! Filling out this form does NOT mean you HAVE to attend. We are simply trying to gauge expected number of attendees.

When: Monday April 20, 2020 at 5:00pm Pacific Time
Where: ZOOM Code 640v 270 965 (please do not enter until 10 minutes before the meeting)
What:  Brief introduction to WesternU COMP and osteopathic medicine followed by a Q&A session. We will have multiple medical students available to answer all of your questions!

Contact Alicia Lunardhi at alicia.lunardhi@westernu.edu if you have any questions!
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Are you a pre-SOMA member? If you are not a member and are interested, sign up for FREE here: https://studentdo.org/pre-soma/pre-soma-membership/ *
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