Robotics Club VEX Registration 2023-24
The Wahoo VEX Robotics Club starts Summer 2023-and concludes in the spring of 2024 for students at Wahoo Public, Bishop Neumann, St. John, and St. Wenceslaus schools. and includes students in 5th - 12th grade. The cost per student to participate is $300. Each team will also be responsible for financing and travel for all tournaments (local, regional, national, & Worlds) in which they wish to participate.

Please add an email address for a parent/guardian to receive updates and Club information
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Email *
Indicate a second parent/guardian email (if any) to receive updates and Club information
enter email below
First name of student *
Last name of student *
Parent name (first and last name) *
Parent phone number (please provide a cell number we can text or use a service like Remind to reach you) *
enter phone number below xxx-xxx-xxxx
Optional: Second parent cell phone number (that we can text or use a service like Remind to reach you)
enter phone number below xxx-xxx-xxxx
Student t-shirt size (one club shirt included with registration) *
What grade is your child entering this fall?  (2023-2024 school year) *
What school will your child attend in fall 2023? *
What is your child's previous robotics experience?
Your answer will help us in recommending teams for your child.
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Are there any preferences for students to be on the same team with your child?
Sometimes teams from previous seasons wish to return the coming year, or perhaps there is someone your child will carpool with? Please indicate the names of students, if any. We recommend teams of 3-5 students with similar abilities/experiences and schedules and will take your preferences into consideration.
I consent for my child to participate in the Robotics Club for the 2023-24 season. I assume all risks and hazards incidental to my child's participation, including transportation to and from activities. It is understood that the VEX Robotics Club, Bishop Neumann, Wahoo Public Schools, Saunders County Agriculture Society, Saunders County 4H Robotics, and Junior Legos Club including their respective agents, boards, committee members, organizers, sponsors, coaches, supervisors, participants and persons transporting my child will not be held liable for injury to students who participate in its activities and insurance against such injury will be the sole responsibility of the undersigned.  It is the responsibility of the parent to get the child to VEX associated tournaments and activities. *
Please type your full name below to indicate your consent for your child's participation in robotics as described above. *
The $300 student registration fee can be paid by writing a check to Robotics delivered to BN or WPS school office or if child attends WPS via their online school account.
Are you willing to serve as a team Coach/facilitator
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Are you willing to serve on the Robotics Board? We need help organizing events, fundraising, specialty advisor, finances, ordering parts and other tasks
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A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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