Writing Group Interest Form - Fall 2021
Thank you for your interest in our writing groups!

Please note that responses for fall writing groups are no longer being collected. If you are interested in joining a Spring 2022 writing group, we invite you to check near the beginning of the spring semester. We hope to post writing group information about a week before the start of classes. All interest form responses received by our priority consideration date (Monday, January 31, 2022) will be given the same level of priority. Responses received after that date will be considered for additional openings, or for our waitlist.

Spring writing groups will begin meeting in Week 3 of the semester (the week of Feb. 7-11, 2022) and continue meeting through Week 15 (the week of May 2-6, 2022). No groups will meet during spring break (the week of Mar. 14-18, 2022).
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