Appreciating TA Employees!
Welcome!  Please help us celebrate TA employees during Teacher Appreciation Week (May 8-12)!  You may use this form to share up to five appreciations for TA employees.  You do not need to complete all five.  Have more than five staff members to appreciate?  No problem!  Just submit, click the link again, and fill the form out again.  Want to appreciate someone at TA who is not a teacher? No problem - we are including all employees in this special week!  Want to appreciate TA staff as a whole?  That is great too - share a group message! 

Thank you!  Your words will mean so much to our staff.
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1.  TA person and your words of appreciation
2.  TA person and your words of appreciation
3.  TA person and your words of appreciation
4.  TA person and your words of appreciation
5.  TA person and your words of appreciation
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