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HHS PTSO Membership Form 2024-2025
Get to know other families and have fun getting involved in the HHS Community--or maybe just stay in the know by receiving our weekly bulletin! We appreciate volunteers and support in many capacities! (This form and its contents are updated each school year, so please make sure to fill out yearly)
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* Indicates required question
Your email
Parent/Guardian Name
Your answer
Parent/Guardian #1 Email
Your answer
Parent/Guardian #2 Email
Your answer
Student Information--check all that apply
9th Grader
10th Grader
11th Grader
12th Grader
Volunteer Opportunities
Shining Knight: Help out throughout the school year (we ask whatever and you do whatever can)
Schoolwide & Community Events: Support and/or plan Hillsdale’s Community activities and events (volunteering, asking others for help, etc)
Junior Interview: Help prepare juniors for the ‘real world’ with mock interviews. (this requires 1 or 2 days volunteering in the spring)
Career Day: Share your career and give advice to students interested in your field. (will be asked as needed)
Translation: Help translate at meetings or emails/fliers
Hospitality Items: Willing to donate/purchase items or food for events and activities (gift cards are an option, also)
Pizza Delivery: willing to go to Costco, pick up pizzas, and deliver to school (will be given at least 24hrs notice and reimbursed for pizza cost)
Specialized Volunteer: I can volunteer and have a specialty trade (carpentry skills, heavy lifting, own a large truck, access to business type printing, etc)
I am unable to do any of the above at this time.
Business Owner: Contribute goods or services from time to time (such as food, supplies, etc.) Goods and services need not be school related.
Business Owner: Willing to hire Hillsdale students (if they pass your application/interview process)
Can we add your email to a hospitality request mailing list*? (we will reach out asking for food/gift card donations through the year)
*different from bulletin mailing list
I am interested in the following booster parent organizations, in addition to PTSO. (We will forward your email address as listed above to those booster organizations. Sharing the email address will be so you can get more information from that organization. No commitment required)
Latino Parent Organization
The HHS Foundation
Peace Pantry/Community Closet
If you are a specialized volunteer, what areas are you able to/willing to help
Your answer
If you are willing to translate, which language(s) are you able to assist with ? Will you be willing to translate written information?
Your answer
Business owners-- what is the name/location of your business? What type of goods/services do you offer? Would you be willing to donate items to PTSO/HHS or offer them at a discounted rate?
Your answer
If you are interested in making a donation directly to the PTSO, please click this link.
PTSO Donations
Your answer
Anything we missed?
Your answer
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