Koru Games 2025 
Balmacewen will attend the Koru games in Christchurch in 2025. 

This form is an expression of interest and details of the trip, the form will be closed on Wednesday 2nd April.

Dates: Monday 15th - Friday 19th September
Cost:  Per Student roughly $400 
Accommodation: Tasman Park holiday park 
Travel: Vans 

Teams will be mixed Year 7 & 8, as well as being all boys and all girls teams.

Sports involved: 
There are a number of sports involved, you will see below the options to choose from. Please only pick two that you would like to trial for. Please note that you will only go for one sport. 

Once we have closed the form, we will figure out what teams we will send based off the sign ups.

Fundraising will be an option and up to each individual family what they wish to do. 
If you wish to help with fundraising or sit on a committee to help plan please tick the last box on the form.

Trials for the teams will be held in the last two weeks of term 1. We want to have all students selected early to be able to give families a chance to plan as well as teams practicing over the two terms. 
Email *
Student's full name *
Student's Year level *
Student's Class Room *
Parent's full name *
Parents preferred email address *
I would like to trial for Koru Games *
Please select your first chosen sport you would like to trial for. You will only be selected for one team. *
Please select your second chosen sport you would like to trial for. You don't have to trial for two sports. 
Clear selection
I would like to help / come to Christchurch  *
I would like to help with fundraising  
Clear selection
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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