Penn Live Arts Executive and Artistic Director's Student Advisory Council Application Form 2024-25
Join this committee to contribute to the ways Penn Live Arts, the university's home for the performing arts, engages students across Penn. Open to undergraduate and graduate students from any school, department, and major. Applications are rolling. 

Questions? Contact Leah Falk, Director of Education and Engagement: 
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First Name 
Last Name 
Class year 
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What interests you about being part of the Student Advisory Committee? 
Tell us a little bit about the role of the performing arts in your life. 
What would you like to see a committee like this achieve? 
This committee meets in-person four times a year at the Annenberg Center, during a midday hour (lunch is provided). We also encourage committee members to come to PLA performances in order to get a well-rounded sense of our mission and season. Please indicate whether you feel you can commit to these obligations. 
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