KBIC Strategic Planning - Value: Strong Families
KBIC is updating the comprehensive strategic plan and will be seeking positive community input every week for the next 6 weeks. Opportunities for public comment will be available in numerous formats. Electronic submission is preferred. However, written comment can be submitted or mailed to the Tribal Center by May 18, 2022.

It is the vision of Keweenaw Bay Indian Community to be courageous, honest, humble, loving, respectful, truthful, and wise to benefit the next seven generations.

Valuing strong families, KBIC is a community where:

*Traditional family values are taught and practiced at home
*Religious and spiritual opportunities flourish among Tribal members and families
*Tribal members work together to keep families intact
*Community Centers are a hub of family activity
*Tribal members use their time and talents to serve as volunteers
*Promote homeownership and individual self-sufficiency
*Tribal members know the history of our people.

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How would you define a strong family? *
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