Durham Art Parade Volunteer Form
This form is for potential volunteers for the Durham Art Parade hosted by Art Ain't Innocent. 
The parade is scheduled for 10am on 6/10/2023
Thank you in advance for your time and interest in helping us pull together an incredible day!
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Name *
Pronouns *
Phone Number
Email *
The parade is scheduled to run from 10am - 12pm on Saturday, June 10th. Please check all of the times you would be available to volunteer this day. *
The parade rain day is from 10am - 12pm on Sunday, June 11th. Please check all of the times you would be available to volunteer this day, only if we have to cancel Saturday due to weather.
Please check all of the times you would be available in Friday, June 9th, to assist with route setup /  walkthrough (if necessary - we are still determining what will need to be accomplished on Friday). 
Please select all potential volunteer activities that you feel able and comfortable assisting with *
Do you have a truck and/or trailer that you would be comfortable letting us use for a float for the parade? And would you be interested in being a driver for a float? 
Do you have any skills or resources that would be useful while volunteering that you'd like us to be aware of?
Would you be willing to participate in an online orientation for volunteers?
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