Application Form for Coaching Services
CoachActivism Program

**An intake call is required to be officially paired with a coach unless otherwise stated by a member of the board**

*All information put into this application is shared only with those needed to connect you to your support within the Coach Activism organization. It will not be shared outside of this organization.   
If you are working with refugees anywhere around the world, coaching support is available to you.

Each client who participates in the program receives 6 hourly coaching sessions, provided pro-bono by a professional certified coach. All coaches who participate in the Program have received additional training to be able to respond to the specific needs of the volunteers.

We do not currently provide services directly to refugees.

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Email *
Full Name *
Email address *
Type of Coaching *
Please click on the link below to set up a meeting. This is required to move forward. *
I am a current volunteer, working with refugees or was in the past 6 months *
Organization you are currently volunteering for. *
How long have you been a volunteer for this organization? *
Reason for coaching need? *
Time zone *
Coaching call availability? *Check all that apply * These are to give us an idea of your need - You will finalize exact times with your coach* *
Preferred coaching language - *will attempt to accommodate, but not guaranteed  *
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