St Paul Lutheran Church VBS
Event Address: 601 Flatrock Dr, Paulding, OH 45879
Contact us at 567-808-8565 or 419-399-2320

E-mailadres *
Name *
Child's Date of Birth *
Address *
Contact Number *
Student's current grade for the upcoming 2022-2023 school year
I plan to have my child attend the following dates *
Does your child have any food allergies *
If yes, please list their food allergies
My child wears a t-shirt size
I consent for (Enter child's name below) to attend St Paul Lutheran Church VBS and will support my child(ren) as needed. *
For more information you may contact St Paul Lutheran Church at 567-808-8565 or 419-399-2320.  An offering is received each day which is given to the Caring & Sharing Food Pantry.
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