V. Rivière's  Street Team Sign-Up

Thank you for your interest in joining V. Rivière's Street Team!

By becoming a member, you will have the opportunity to receive graphics and diverse materials of V's books to post on your social media platforms (Bookstagram, BookTwitter, and even quotes suitable for your BookTok). These content materials can range from cover reveals to blurb reveals and available now graphics.

Please note that to be part of the Street Team, you do not have to have read the author's works. If you simply wish to support me, welcome!

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Please enter your e-mail address to receive the content.
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Add all the accounts on which you want to share the content (e.g. Instagram: @_v_riviere; Tiktok: @vriviere).
By signing up, you agree not to divulge elements such as covers, blurbs or tropes reveal before the dates provided. If you do, you will be removed from the Team and will not receive any future content.
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