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Dog care services
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Do you currently own a dog? If yes, could you briefly tell us a little about them? (Age, breed, sociability, energy level)
Your answer
Do you currently use a dog care service? If so, which one(s)?
No services used
Regular dog Walker
Ad-hoc dog Walker
Dog day care
Dog boarding facility
Housesitting/pet care
One-to-one dog Walker
Are you happy with the range of dog care services available within the local area?
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Are your dog care needs currently being met by the services on offer?
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Does your dog require any additional needs that the standard group dog walking services cannot accommodate?
Your answer
Above the standard dog walking services available, are there any additional services you’d be willing to pay extra for? Could you give an indication of what these services could be, and a price bracket you’d be willing to pay for the additional services?
Your answer
Would you be interested in a dog walking service that has access to a secure private field for the walks?
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If an hour long, secure, private field walk was an option, how much would you be willing to pay for this service?
£10 per dog
£15 per dog
£20 per dog
>£20 per dog
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Would this be a service you’d use on a regular basis or more of an occasional occurrence?
5 days a week
2- 4 days a week
Once a week
Less than once a week
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Thank you for taking time to fill out this survey, please let us know if there are any additional comments or information you’d like to give us.
Your answer
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