Chestnut Review Retreats Form
This form is for writers who have paid a deposit for an upcoming retreat.
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Email *
Full Name *
Tell us briefly why you are interested in the retreat and what your expectations are for the week. Feel free to also tell us your writing or publishing goals for your next 5-10 years. *
Please indicate genres you write in (check all that apply). *
Check all that apply.
Which retreat are you attending? *
Optional: Additional guests
If you will be attending with additional guests who are not writers, please indicate how many (not counting yourself). This is important for us to estimate total group size for meals and excursions. Please indicate the ages of all guests as well.
Optional: Additional Info
If there are any issues related to accessibility/safety that you'd like us to be aware of, please indicate those here. All this information will be kept confidential and will not be shared with any retreat participants.
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