Nature Conservation Track Survey
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Let's get started with your name and organization. *
If we have not already collected your contact information, please enter at least your email below. If you'd like to provide additional contact information, please do and let us know your preferred method of contact.
What type of Nature Conservation initiatives are you interested in? (Please check all that apply) *
Of the above initiatives that you are interested in, are any of particular priority?  (If yes, please tell us the priority order and/ or if any are not urgent for the purposes of this project.)
Does your organization have any specific goals and/ or timelines around these initiatives?  (If yes, please share them with us.)
Has your organization ever tried nature conservation initiatives before? (If yes, please tell us how, what the results were and if any action has been taken since... No judgement!)
Is there anything you've discovered about your organization's interaction with or impact on your surrounding natural environment that we should know about? (Again... no judgement here! This helps us choose appropriate nature conservation initiatives.)
Is there anything else at all you would like to tell us? ...Maybe how excited you are to get started?! Can you tell that we are?!! ;)
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