Black Friday Music & Arts Expo Sign Up
Event Date: November 25, 2022
Event Address: 2640 Space , 2640 St. Paul St. Baltimore,MD 21218
Event Time: 2pm-5pm
Performer/Vendor Fee: Min. $10 suggested donation

In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
E-Mail-Adresse *
Name *
Artist/Business/Organization Name
Phone *
Social Media Handle(s)
What type of slot are you requesting?  *
We there is no required fee for this event however, we are asking that all vendors and performer make a minimum donation of $10 to Tony Aye Artistry via cash app( $tonyayeartistry) or paypal at

Is this something you're willing to do?
How many people will you be able to draw in(get to attend the event). *
Are you a Tony Aye Artistry Paid Member(Members receive sign up priority) *
If yes, to the previous question what is your membership tier?
Auswahl löschen
If, performer slot. Please list Name of Song(s) Performing and include a link to performing. (All performers must be approved by 2640 Space Collective in order to perform, only family friendly music(PG-13 max) allowed for this event). 
If performer, What type of music will you be using? *
If Vendor Slot, Please describe your business and what would you need for your space(A Table and two chairs will be provided) . All vending types are welcome included for profit and nonprofit. We only require those selling items to include Black Friday rate for our Artists and their families. 
If Volunteer, slot please let us know the time frame you are willing to volunteer with us. (Select all that apply)
Additional Comments(Please include anything we need to know including special accommodations,bgvs, mics needed, etc.)
I understand that I am doing an at will performance/volunteer/vending for a Tony Aye Artistry Foundation Event and that my performance/business image will be shared on T.A.A's social media,website,etc. If for any reason you can no longer attend or perform you must give 24 hours advance notice unless an emergency failure to notify if absent can result in not being selected for future shows. The Artist Shed is a safe creative space and we do not heavily censor the artistry of our artists however, you agree to avoid any music that contains hate speech,unnecessarily explicit content or excessive violence. I understand that Tony Aye Artistry can request for me to alter my song choice or edit my lyrics if deemed inappropriate for that month's show. Show order is deemed at random we strive ensure that all Artists can perform however, if unable to Artists who were cut will be offered priority slot in the next month's show. All slots are not guaranteed until notified by Tony Aye Artistry Foundation Inc. and should not be promoted until that time. T.A.A. does not own the rights or royalties to any performed songs and Artist should ensure to properly credit when posting performance videos. By agreeing to perform for this event you understand that any photos,video clips, and audio of you on the day of event can be used by T.A.A. for future promotional purposes. Tony Aye Artistry Foundation Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization all sales from tickets go into the continued operations of our platform for Independent Artists. Do you agree to the terms listed? *
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