Gold Ice 2023-2024 Tryout Registration Form
All skaters interested in auditioning for the 2023-2024 Gold Ice teams are asked to submit a registration form.

Stay tuned for more details on the 2023-2024 Tryout schedule!

Please email if you have any questions about the audition process or our teams.

Looking forward to meeting you!

-Jessica, Ashley, Andrea & Jasmine
Inicia la sessió a Google per desar el teu progrés. Més informació
Adreça electrònica *
Skater Name *
Parent Name
Teams interested in (check all that apply) *
Birthdate *
Age as of July 1st, 2023 *
Skate Canada Number
Home Club *
Prior Synchronized Skating Experience / Current Skate Canada Assessment Levels *
Future goals in the sport of Synchronized Skating
Any questions for us?
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