Advocate for Nonreligious Recovery Options in New York!
This is a sign-up form for New York constituents and residents who support A.08163/S.07313, which would make sure that anyone mandated by a court in New York to attend recovery meetings, that they are made aware of their constitutional right to a nonreligious option and provided with a nonreligious option if requested.

Once you complete the form, as associate at Secular Strategies will reach out to assist in meeting scheduling and preparation. Your information will ONLY be used to contact you to schedule virtual meetings with your NY Assembly Member and Senator. Your information will not be used for any other purpose and will be kept confidential. We make advocacy easy, accessible, and empowering! Defend First Amendment rights and advocate for increasing access to evidence-based, MAT-supportive recovery options for all New Yorkers.

This form asks you to to name your Assembly Member and Senator:
Look up your Assembly Member here:
Look up your Senator here:
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First Name
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Who is your Assembly Member? *
You can look them up here, or enter your full address below so we can identify them for you.
Who is your Senator? *
You can look them up here, or enter your full address below so we can identify them for you.
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