Q3DC Registration szn. 1
Welcome to our new dance season at Q3 Dance Company! We're excited to have you join us from September to June.

To get started, please follow these steps:

  1. Review our Calendar of Classes and Handbook: Check our schedule and tuition rates to find the best classes for you. Calendar / Handbook
  2. Fill Out This Form: Select the classes you're interested in, and we will handle the rest to register your dancers.
  3. Complete Membership Registration on Sawyer: This is your official registration step. Use the link at the end of this form.

Thank you for choosing Q3 Dance Company, and we look forward to a fantastic dance season!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Parent/Guardian Name:  *
Dancer Information
If you are registering more than one dancer, you can fill out this form more than once. 
Dancer Name:  *
Dancer age:  *
Review the classes available for your dancer's age level. 
What genres of dance would you like to enroll your dancer in? 

(Ex: Flamenco, Ballet, and Hip-Hop)
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