Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur quis sem odio. Sed commodo vestibulum leo, sit amet tempus odio consectetur in. Mauris dolor elit, dignissim mollis feugiat maximus, faucibus et eros. Pellentesque venenatis odio nec nunc hendrerit commodo.
If we want to recolor an area that is not defined within a single color boundary is known as *
1 point
 In 2D-translation, a point (x, y) can move to the new position (x’, y’) by using the equation *
1 point
The Cohen-Sutherland algorithm divides the region into _____ number of spaces. *
1 point
Registration No. *
.The basic geometric transformations are *
1 point
 _______ is defined as set of points such that the sum of the distances is same for all points. *
1 point
The objects transformed using the equation P’=S*P should be *
1 point
If the boundary is specified in a single color, and if the algorithm proceeds pixel by pixel until the boundary color is encountered is called *
1 point
Name *
________ is the rigid body transformation that moves object without deformation. *
1 point
The two-dimensional scaling equation in the matrix form is *
1 point
What is the name of the space in which the image is displayed? *
1 point
Cohen-Sutherland clipping is an example of *
1 point
A translation is applied to an object by *
1 point
We translate a two-dimensional point by adding *
1 point
 If the scaling factors values sx and sy < 1 then *
1 point
Reflection is a special case of rotation *
1 point
The object space or the space in which the application model is defined is called ____________ *
1 point
The disadvantage of lineDDA is *
1 point
The matrix representation for rotation in homogeneous coordinates is *
1 point
The algorithm which uses multiple processors to calculate pixel positions is *
1 point
_________ is a rigid body transformation that moves objects without deformation. *
1 point
The translation distances (dx, dy) is called as *
1 point
What is the rectangle in the world defining the region that is to be displayed? *
1 point
 Color information can be stored in *
1 point
Which method of character generation is also called Dot-matrix method? *
1 point
Expansion of line DDA algorithm is *
1 point
 In which method, graph is used in form of line to line? *
1 point
The scale factor of viewport transformation for x co-ordinate is ________ *
1 point
In Bresenham’s line algorithm, if the distances d1 < d2 then decision parameter Pk is______Based on the text above, your fourth question. *
1 point
 To generate a rotation , we must specify *
1 point
Which algorithm is a faster method for calculating pixel positions? *
1 point
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