BWA Placement Quiz and Enrollment
Greetings, Sistahs! BWA Classes resume Sunday, October 10, 2022. Once you have completed this form, feel free to share it PRIVATELY with another Black woman you feel could benefit from cultivating development in a safe, structured space for Black women.
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Email *
Name as it appears on driver's license or government-issued identification. *
Mailing address *
Including city, state and zip. This information will be used to receive all certifications and important hardcopy documents.
Age range *
Were you a genetically born female who currently has female genitalia. *
Do you have any children? *
Relationship status *
Have you recently been in an abusive relationship? *
Within 12 months
Can you commit a year to self-development? *
Level of education: *
Have you ever been thru Rites of Passage? *
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