Group Travel Request Form
Thank you for your interest in planning your group vacation with New Hype Travel!!
Please complete this form so that we may begin planning your next group adventure.

Things you want to know:
Most group packages come with convenient payment plans.
Group leaders are NOT expected to collect or manage other peoples payments.
Airfare can be added to some or all of the guest's package upon request.
Upon completion of this form you will receive a phone call within 48 hours.
It is ok to have group members contact us directly.

The planning fee scale for groups
10-24 guests is $100
25-50  guests is $250.
51-100 guests is $500

There is a $100 nonrefundable research fee required before you may receive your first 3 quotes.
Quotes are sent out within 48 hours of deposit submission.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Group Leader's Name as it appears on your passport *
Group leader's phone number
Complete Billing Address (including zip code) *
How did you learn about New Hype Travel? *
Where would you like to go? You may list up to 3 destinations *
Do you have a valid U.S. Passport?
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How many people do you expect to travel with your group? *
Do you want travel insurance added to your package quote? Highly recommended. *
Do you want airfare added to your package? IF YES, please write the name of the airport you will travel from. *
What are your travel dates> *
Your quotes will include optional activities & excursions. What kinds of things would you like to experience?
What is your budget per person? (not including airfare) *
Do you have a Global Entry or Known Traveller ID Number? If so, please enter below.
Are any children traveling with your group? *
Each traveller will need to complete a registration form with different contact information for. each *
Vaccination and COVID related entry requirements are subject to change as the government deems necessary. Fear of travel and/or inability to meet entry requirements do NOT constitute grounds for full refunds. *
Do you want to receive updates about group members balances or payment status?
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Are you celebrating anything special or specific? Feel free to provide details here 
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