Open Call - Catalogue suggestions
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Thank you for your interest in Open Call! We’re no longer offering pro bono technical support to governments, but our team continues to maintain a robust catalogue of free, reusable tools to help public servants respond to COVID-19. If you’re working on a challenge related to the pandemic, you can visit the catalogue to find tools that might help your team deliver a solution faster and more efficiently.

*You can access the Open Call catalogue at

We’re always on the lookout for new tools to add to the catalogue. If your team has built something that could help your colleagues in other departments, or if you’ve heard of a tool that’s delivering value, you can use the form below to submit tools for consideration.

*For more on how we vet tools, visit our FAQ at

If you’re engaged in digital transformation work and curious how Code for Canada can support you, please contact Dorothy Eng at

If you’re working within a department at the Government of Canada and are curious about connecting with the Canada School of Public Service’s Digital Academy, reach out to

If you’re interested in learning more about the Canadian Digital Service, reach out to
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What’s the name of the tool you’re suggesting for the Open Call catalogue, and who developed it? To meet our criteria, it should be created, managed, or used by a government agency, international public health agency or academic institution.
Can you share a link to a Github repository for the tool? If not, please share any relevant links. *
How can this tool help government teams?
Is the tool available under an open source software licence?
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If we have questions about the tool, who should we contact? If possible, please include an email address.
What's your name?
And what’s your email address? We only collect this for verification purposes, and won’t email you unless we have additional questions about the resource. *
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