I understand that my family
and I ride at our own risk when we ride on SRUC property and that the SRUC, its officers,
members, and the Lease holder
are not responsible for theft of my property,
or accidents or injury to me, my family, or guests. No stallions are allowed on playdays.
There shall be no animal
cruelty permitted on the SRUC premises or at any Club event.
Animal cruelty is defined as over-exertion, the
infliction of physical pain or the use of excessive force on an animal beyond
what is necessary for normal discipline.
There shall be no one attending intoxicated and no drinking
of alcoholic beverages
at SRUC playdays. There shall
be no use of drugs on SRUC premises at any time.
There shall be no cheating
or attempts to cheat at any SRUC activity or contest of any kind.
There shall be no
stealing, destruction, or improper use of SRUC property or money at any time.
There shall be no sharing
of gate code to non-members. There shall be no unauthorized use of RUC facilities
by non-members. All guests must always
be accompanied by a member.
As a member of the SRUC, you are expected
to help with the Spring and Fall Rodeos, arena
rentals, workdays, playdays, barrel races and other
club events.
There shall be no behavior unbecoming or detrimental to the SRUC
permitted at SRUC activities. This
includes causing trouble
inside or outside
the Club, excessive complaining, causing disturbances or unnecessarily aggravating any officers, members, or spectators.
See all Rules and Regulations attached to SRUC Bylaws
The last member
to leave the arena should
make sure lights
and water hydrants
are turned off and that the
entrance gate is locked.
Everyone is expected
to always act in a safe
manner at the SRUC.
Everyone is expected
to try to attend the SRUC’s monthly
meetings which are held the third
Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the First Baptist Church Skiatook 940 W
Oak Skiatook (youth room).
Everyone is expected
to help with the numerous
events at the RUC throughout the year, including
scheduled workdays. Work
requirements must be met to qualify for playday and other awards.
All SRUC members should hold themselves to a high standard while at the
Cavalcade Rodeo as you as a member are representing our club.
Failure to abide by the foregoing rules by a member
may result in disciplinary action, up to and including loss of membership, with
no refund of dues. The failure of a
non-member or guest to comply with these rules after they are made aware of
them may result in disciplinary action, up to and including the non-member or
guest being permanently banned from the arena.
Annual membership next year may be based on each member’s performance from the prior year.