Missional Living Grant Application
Apply for funds to help you follow God in mission in the context of authentic community. We have a total of $5,500 to utilize for grants this fiscal year.  Not every application will receive a grant, and larger requests may only receive a partial amount of the money requested.  
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Small Grants for Missional Living at The Community
What does it mean to live missionally? We believe that God is at work in your home, neighborhood, workplace and third places (where you hang out, connect, and find community).  We also believe that God is inviting you to participate in some way.  These grants are one of the ways in which we as a church community hope to empower and equip you to follow God in mission.  

In the following application, members of The Community are invited to describe what you need, how the funds will be used, who else will be involved in this missional community, and how this project aligns with the mission and vision of The Community Church in Ada.
Organization or Project
Where will these funds be directed, or what will they be spent on?
Amount Requested
Why do you sense God calling you to this, and what do you hope to accomplish?
Who will be joining you?
An important aspect of these grants is forming a missional community.  Please list at least two others from The Community, other than your spouse and immediate family (if applicable), who will be joining you in this effort.  Grants will not be given to individuals.  
Mission and Vision Alignment
At The Community our mission is to Do Justice, Love Kindness, and Walk Humbly with God.  We live this out practically by these three values: Authentic Relationships, The Courage to Have Tough Conversations, and Erring on the Side of Grace. How would the use of this grant align with those values?  
Follow Up *
Do you agree to fill out a follow-up survey so that we can measure the impact of the grant?
Inspire Others *
Are you willing to be interviewed, share pictures and videos, or communicate in another way to inspire others by the work you''re doing?
Grant Review Process
The Deacons will review this grant application at the next scheduled Deacons' meeting.  Your assigned care Deacon will follow up with you after we've reviewed the application, which should be no more than 30 days after submission.  The amount awarded in each grant will vary based on need, criteria met, and funds available.  If we have questions about part of the application, or desire more clarity around meeting specific criteria, we may follow up and then ask you to resubmit the application.
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