With the help of volunteers like you, we will be able to provide a rich, exciting, and meaningful school experience for our children that includes volunteer-led, Everyone-A-Reader (EAR), Tiger Art Academy (TAA) lessons , STEAM lessons and challenges, as well as school-wide programs and events like our annual Yearbook, Fall Festival: Boo Bash, Family Art Nights, Fleet Family Science Nights, Art Show Night, Spring Carnival, etc.! There are volunteer opportunities on campus and other opportunities that allow you to help from the comfort of your own home! Without volunteers like you, our beloved programs and annual events risk being cancelled due to lack of interest, event planners or volunteers.
Please provide the best contact information below so we can pass along your contact info to your student(s)' teacher(s) and committee chairs that you are interested in getting involved in this year. By filling out this Volunteer Sign-up, you are implicitly consenting to the release of your contact information to the Family-Faculty Connection (FFC) for volunteer purposes at Dingeman Elementary.
Additionally, in order to volunteer in the classroom with students or on fieldtrips, you will also need to get SDUSD cleared to volunteer by submitting the SDUSD Volunteer Application for 2024-25 with the following: Copy of a clear TB test with your application and Copy of Driver’s License. You can drop off your completed application and supporting documents at the front office or email Donna Rezanka @ drezanka@sandi.net