JoshSE Benefactor Feedback
A short survey to gauge the interest in benefits for premium members (Benefactors) of the JoshSE site.
For the following benefits, please rate how likely you'd be to take advantage of them.
Free eBook downloads *
Not likely
Highly likely
Early access to serial chapters and short stories *
Not likely
Highly likely
Discounts on paperbacks, hardcovers, and other merch *
Not likely
Highly likely
Access to and ability to give feedback on early drafts *
Not likely
Highly likely
Access to Benefactor community Discord server *
Not likely
Highly likely
For the following community events, please rate the likelihood that you'd be interested in attending.
Virtual chapter readings *
No interest
Very interested
Ask Me Anything sessions *
No interest
Very interested
Book club discussions *
No interest
Very interested
If you have any other ideas for community events or premium rewards, please let me know!
If you haven't already, are you interested in signing up for the JoshSE newsletter? If so, enter your email address below. (This info won't be shared with anyone).
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