【問卷調查 Audience Survey】布克斯特胡德黑盒劇場︰《寂療之境》Buxtehude in Black Box: i-solate
Thank you for joining the performance. Please complete the following questionnaire.
Your opinion is important to our further improvement. Thank you!
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你出席了哪場《寂療之境》的演出?Which performance (s) have you attended? *
你怎樣得知此演出? How did you learn about the performance? *
(可選多於一項 Can choose multiple answers)
是次觀賞表演的主要原因是什麼? What is/are your main reason(s) for attending the performance? *
(可選多於一項 Can choose multiple answers)
以下的節目中的哪一個元素最吸引你?Which of the following element(s) of the programme impress you most? *
你認為是次演出的長度適中嗎?What do you think of the total duration of the performance? *
你對是次演出的整體評價 Please rate your overall satisfaction with the performance: *
將來有興趣參與以下聲蜚合唱節的活動嗎 ? Are you interested in joining the following event(s) of the SingFest in the future? *
(可選多於一項 Can choose multiple answers)
歡迎對是次音樂會提出意見及改善建議。 Do you have any comments/ suggestions for improvement? *
如果想收到聲蜚的最新資訊及推廣,請填寫你的電郵地址:If you would like to receive upcoming news and promotions of SingFest, please fill in your email below:
個人資料僅用作提供聲蜚合唱節的演出、教育資訊及籌款通訊。根據「個人資料(私隱)條例」,閣下有權要求查閱及更正所提供之資料。如有任何疑問,請致電5514 6327或電郵至info@singfest.hk與聲蜚合唱節有限公司聯絡。The use of personal data will be limited for the use of communications in the performances, educational activities and fundraising materials related to SingFest.  You have the right to request access to and alter data in accordance with Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.  For enquiries, please call us at 5514 6327 or email to info@singfest.hk.
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