Stories from Self Isolation during #Covid19
Dear friends and family from near and from far, and people who have learned about this project through family, friends or online, welcome!

As we are all living history through this pandemic, I thought this might be a cool while to compile our experiences through story. The purpose of this collection of stories is to create a record of how we are all living through the #COVID19 pandemic

As a historian and a teacher of history, as well as someone who likes to hear and collect stories from around the world, I am hopeful that you will join me in creating a collection of our experiences. It is my hope to share these with my students present and in the future about how we coped, made it through the #Covid19 pandemic and did it together. With your permission, I will compile them into a small booklet.

If you have any questions, please email

With many thanks from me and future generations who will learn from your experiences.

Katy Whitfield :)
Email *
Introduce yourself
What is your name? *
How old are you?
Where are you living currently? Location, Place, Type of Residence *
With whom are you living?  (Include humans and pets or other creatures as you would like) *
What do you do for a living? *
Where are you working? *
Tell me your story... How are you spending your days in self-isolation?
In this section, feel free to include as many details as you would like. If there are things you want to leave out or people or places that you would like to rename, feel free to do so, but for the sake of authenticity, you may choose to keep them as they are. Thank you for sharing your stories here.  
Which of the following are you doing to stay safe during the pandemic? Check as many as apply *
What have been the highlights of your days so far? *
What have been the low moments/challenges so far? *
What have you been reading?
What have you been watching?
What have you been listening to?
What are the major headlines where you are today?  Feel free to share the exact headline and tell me what newspaper it is from (be sure to include the date) *
What are 3 things you are most grateful for during this time of social-isolation *
What are 2 things you are missing the most? *
Are there any other things you would like to add to your response?
Would you like to be part of this project and submit your answers on an ongoing basis while we stay in social-isolation?
Would you like to participate further? *
Thank you so much for sharing your stories.   Katy Whitfield, History Teacher, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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