Lift Workshop Feedback Form
Thank you for attending the Lift Workshop, we hope you enjoyed the day and gained insightful information and tips to take back into your business.
To enable us to build on our workshops strength going forward we'd appreciate your feedback.
Name *
Email *
Company *
Please rate the presentation content, tick all that apply *
What was the most useful 'thing' you took away from the workshop? *
What was the least useful 'thing' you took away from the workshop? *
Would you recommend the event to others? *
If you had a magic wand and could change three things in your business what would they be? *
If you could resolve one issue in your business in the next 12 months what would you resolve? *
As mentioned yesterday's workshop was a pilot and to help us and Lincolnshire Business promote the next Lift workshop if you could provide us with a quote about your experience/thoughts/involvement in the workshop which we could use for marketing purposes please do so below (if you'd like your quote to be anonymous please state below)
Any additional comments *
Thank you
Thank you for providing your feedback and attending the workshop.
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