Waiting List 2022
If the week that you wish to register your child for is FULL, then please fill out this form. Each Camper must be registered on a separate form. We will email and call you and the alternate contact for 3 consecutive days if a space becomes available. If we don't hear from you or the alternate contact for 1 day after that (4 days total) we will give the spot away.
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E-mail *
Parent/Guardian Name *
Parent/Guardian Phone Number - the email that you are using to fill out this form, and this phone number, are the primary ways we will try to reach you if space becomes available. *
Alternate Contact - Name, Email, Phone *
Camper Name *
Current Grade *
Tent Choice *
Add this Camper to the Waitlist for the following Weeks: *
If this camper has a sibling that is going to and/or waitlisted for camp, please write in sibling name and details.
Is there anything else you want to tell us?
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