Editors Fandom
The purpose of this research is to analyze the role of being a fan in everyday life and the relationship between an individual and a fandom community, how music can transform people and their experiences and develop a sense of belonging and identity.
The survey has some open ended and reflective questions, please write from your heart and speak your mind.
I do not anticipate any risks from participating in this research and there are no direct benefits or incentives.
Your privacy and confidentiality will be protected. You can use a nickname and your nickname/name will not be eventually associated with quotes used in the report.
We may contact you again to request your participation in a follow up study. Your participation will be voluntary and we will ask your explicit consent to participate in any of the follow up studies.
I am not associated in any way with the band or anyone who works with them.
You can also answer in French, Spanish and Italian if it helps you.
Tips: you can read all the questions and then start answering, so you can take your time to think about your personal experiences. There's no right or wrong answers and everybody is a different fan, so just be honest and have fun. Maybe you'll understand something new about your connection with the fandom.
If you have any question you can send an e-mail to editors.research23@gmail.com
Thank you for your help!
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Your age
Your country
When did you first discover Editors music (Year)?
Can you still remember the details of your experience? (Place, what you were doing, if you were alone with family/friends...)
When did you become a fan (year)? *
What/who did introduce you to their music?
Did you introduce someone else to their music? *
If yes, who?
How long after you first discovered them did you see them live? *
How many times did you see them live? *
What did you do after discovering them? Did you try to find info? Did you follow them on social media? *
Do you feel you have a relationship with the band? (for example for many people being a fan seems like a 'virtual' friendship or having a mentor in life) *
If yes, how would you describe it?
Do you think their music had an impact on your life? *
If yes, can you say in which way?
Do you think your connection to their music changed/evolved with time?
If yes, can you explain how?
Do you have a favorite album and why? *
Do you have a favorite song and why? *
Do you use music as "therapy"? *
Did Editors music helped you facing specific issues? *
If yes, can you explain how it helped?
Do you think your love for music is a basis for friendship? *
Did you make friends thanks to Editors? *
If yes, where?
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If you got new friends, are they from your country?
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Did you spend time together not related to events/concerts related to Editors?
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Do you regularly talk about other topics?
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Did you connect to charities / organizations thanks to the fandom? *
Are you actively involved in group / communities about Editors? *
How much is important being part of a community? *
Not important at all
Absolutely important
Do you go alone to concerts? *
Do you try to connect with fans you never met before at concerts? *
Did you have any negative experiences with other fans? *
If yes, can you say what happened?
Did those negative experiences had an impact on your appreciation for Editors?
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Do you feel free to express your opinions when interacting with other fans? *
Do you feel part of a community even if you don't go to concerts? *
Do you think there is gatekeeping (hide them from the mainstream, and keep their music all to yourself) in the fandom? *

Did your life improve somehow thanks to being a fan?
Do you think Editors music has a role in your everyday life? *
Can you explain how?
Is it important for you to somehow interact with the band? *
Can you explain why?
Do you leave comments/send DMS to the band profiles or their personal profiles?
What's your opinion on the official website? *
Do you know there is an archive where you can share personal memories/experiences? *
If yes, did you share something and why?
Do you think that their online presence reflects the essence of the band well? *
Do you care about what the band members activities not Editors related? *
Do you have a favorite member? Why? *
Had you ever felt the need to thank them? Why? *
Do you think Editors music helped you understand your life? (sometimes art helps to deep dive in our thoughts and practice mindfulness)
Did you use the music to "guide" your life decisions somehow? *
Did your interactions with others fan helped you in everyday life?
If yes, can you describe how/when
What makes Editors music different from all the others artists for you?
Describe Editors music in one word
Describe Editors fandom in one word
Do you find in Editors fandom something different from the others fandoms?
If yes, what?
Can I contact you for a couple of follow up question?
If yes, please leave your e-mail
Would you like to get the results of the research?
If yes, please leave your e-mail
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