IV Web Youth Listening Session
You are invited! 
A discussion based listening session for up to 25 youth living in the Illinois Valley, southern Oregon. The point of this listening session is to hear direct feedback, from youth, to inform us about what supports and information you need to be satisfied and successful living in the IV. Then, how best to incorporate those ideas onto our website in an easily accessible, and engaging manner. 
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
Name, First and Last.  *
Age,  *
Grade, *
City of current residence,  *
School,  *
How did you hear about this event?  *
Are you familiar with our website? Illinois Valley Web, or Community Website Partnership?   *
How strong is your Wifi access?  *
No access
Strong access
We will be having pizza at our event. Do you have any dietary concerns we should know about? *
Will you be able to attend our meeting, Wednesday, Nov 2, 4:00-5:30? At the Family Coalition, River Room?  *
Do you have access to preview our website before the meeting? Illinois Valley Web?  *
How do you normally access the internet?  *
How can we best contact you?  *
Email Address?  *
Phone?  *
Anything else we should know prior to the event? Other Questions?  *
We will be sending follow up information via contact information given. Information such as a scavenger hunt for our website and to send reminders for our event. We look forward to seeing you!
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