Culture Study Podcast Questions!
Each week, Anne will tug on the thread of our cultural fabric and see what unravels. But she needs your help! What questions do you have about the world around you? You can use this form to answer a specific prompt Anne has put in her newsletter or on Instagram, or you can submit a general question we may use to spark an episode idea.

You can also submit a question for a paywalled segment we're calling Ask Anne Anything. Need advice about growing dahlias? About the friend who wants to hang out more/less than you want to? About a boss who won't budge on WFH policies? Ask away and Anne will give it her best shot.

If we want to feature your question, Melody may reach out and request that you record it as a voice memo. Please use the email you'd prefer us to contact. You won't be added to any lists.
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First name (with pronunciation if applicable) and pronouns, please! *
What's your question? (Please keep it to ~200 words.) *
Do you have an idea for a potential co-host to talk about this topic? (Totally okay if not) 
If you want to submit a question for the Triple A segment (Ask Anne Anything!), you can do so here. (It doesn't have to be related to the question you submitted above!)

By submitting a question through this form, you:

-represent and warrant that you are at least 18 years of age;
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