Carpentry Position
Seasonal contract work in Kakisa, NWT
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Name *
Phone Number *
Email Address *
Address *
Are you legally permitted to work in Canada? *
Are you a journeyman/woman carpenter? *
What trade school did you attend and in what city? *
Please list any additional training or skills (diplomas, certificates, workshops, etc).  Skills other than carpentry are appreciated. *
Do you currently have a business license and GST number?  *
How many years experience as a carpenter do you have? *
Have you worked in a remote location? *
Do you have a valid driver's license? *
Have you ever acted as a mentor for an apprentice? *
Are you willing to submit a Criminal Records Check? *
Are you currently self-employed? *
Would you be relocating to Kakisa by yourself? *
If the answer is no, who would travel with you, would they be interested in working, and do they have any specific skills or training?
For accommodations, would you prefer to stay at the staff house or the campground? *
Do you currently maintain a website or social media page for a personal business? *
If so, what is the web address?
Is there anything else you would like us to know?
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